Thursday, July 16, 2009

Got the interview :)

Ty bajz for the interview i though it went very well and thanks for the comments guys :) i appreciate it

LZO's Dramatic turn!

Well i logged on and recruited like 1 person she got another 2 join and next thing u know i have like 10 peeps wanting to join :D can w8 for the interview today :) -junbug

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Ok Fellow veiwers

According to the poll u guys wanna see more and some thought it was awful ok guys here's ur chance to tell me what u would like 2 see comment this post with ur answer :) tyvm -junbug

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Now Working on LZO

Yup im working on LZO off at a bad start but no worries it's fine by me i wont give up ;D. Also I will be interviewed on Guild exposure This Thursday :D cant wait till then.

Ok Now Lets talk about vers29 well i was reading Eovoice (hello rettan! :P) and saw that on aengie's myspace said that vers29 is coming soon and speed will be fixed but then i read eo-update and it had her saying due to private servers vers29 is on hold ... fu private servers but idk wats to come. so stay tuned for more eo adventures ty :D -junbug

Friday, July 10, 2009

here bajz

well bajz i was the 10,000 visitor but my freakin bro came on comp and deleted the PIC!!!! so yeah i don't have proof so you dont gotta believe me. but yeah i'll be home 2morrow YAY!!!!!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Looking for an artist of some sort

Well i need a new banner mine is blah so I'm looking for someone to make me a very good one if you could it would be very appreciated.

LZO is wont be recruiting until next sunday :(

Sorry guys i totally spaced out i forgot I'm leaving for Florida today >:P Lmao im stupid well next Sunday i will start things up. :) till then -junbug


Well i posted a LZO Topic on the eo forums then went to bed a was excited to see some good comments about it but wow......... I didn't even get 1 they were all insults... then this Vult-r impostor Posts like 10 pictures of this girls head crushed and her brain coming out... I WAS LIKE WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So ya I'd advise all of you to stay away from the forums...
well if u wanna see the forum of this crap here

Friday, July 3, 2009


I bid you goodbye i would love to stay in touch with you though :D MNR + LZO = Bff?

Well i may be reviving my old guild

I may be reviving my old guild (LZO) Legendz of eo If i do this guild will be for Fair eo players (i don't want immature cheating nooblets in my guild) I will make a ranking system and if you're loyal enough ill make you a custom rank and if you're extremely loyal I will think about boosting you up you up to a leader so... ya i will be reviving my old guild so come find me or pm junbug and I will be more then glad to recruit you :D -till next time Junbug

Accepted to a guild :D

So ive been looking for a guild for a while and came across (MNR)
"Midnight Rogues"it's a very kind guild u should come check it out :D - Thanks Junbug

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

freakin sweet artist

Yo so i was on forums and i found this sweet artist that drew a pic i wanted into an anime character check it out

Sunday, June 28, 2009

PK killing glitch?

Well me and a few peeps were in pk and then all of us died without being hit but we

didnt die we spawn back into pk???? i was like wtf????? then a speeder came up and

accually killed me (of course) if anyone has also had this problem pm junbug on

main, post a comment, or just use the shout box

Yay!!!! 100 views

Well... tyvm viewers i didnt think this blog would get any views but it hit 100!!!! so I cant wait to see how many in the future :D



Friday, June 26, 2009

My 100k drop was a hit

So my drop party was a hit :D the next drop party will be on June 27 i will be dropping 100k then 10ks

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Stupid newb

This random newb walked up cussing at me and demanding my hat. It was kinda amusing, so if you see Hiding walking around be sure to boo or make fun of him :D


My blog is officially up !!! :D